Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fall Musings

Fall is probably my favorite season, although as time goes by I have realized that I like aspects of all of the seasons. I would sorely miss the distinctive seasons we have in Portland if I moved somewhere that didn't have them.

Fall has many draws for me. I love the cooler weather, not quite the cold of winter, refreshing after the heat of summer. I like the rain. I like the wind. I love the carpets and umbrellas of red, yellow, orange, and burgundy that the trees generate. The crunch of dry leaves underfoot is amazing. I like the coats and boots, and probably most of all the turtlenecks. Hot chocolate and spiced apple cider are simply delightful. Soups become regulars again.

Today I drove across town to pick up some compost to plant a couple of things that should improve spring, and it was a long slideshow of nice houses and lovely trees and leaves all over in the older neighborhoods near where I was going.

On the way back I picked up something to eat at an old favorite place, and swung through the neighborhood where I grew up rather than take the bland drive that was the main route back. It was lovely, and a reminder of just how much I miss the place. There has been some development, although not as much as there might have been. It's still hills with tons of trees around, at times almost a forest between the houses. Even though I live only a couple of miles away now, it seems like a different world on the flatter ground below the hills. I miss the trees all around and the huge forest park within walking distance. It's almost as quiet here on a sort of back street, but not quite.

In life those days seemed like spring, with hopes and plans and such. The way this country has gone since then makes it seem like the rug got pulled out from under all of that. While I don't mind those doing above average who have earned it, the unearned and unethical obscene fortunes that suck the opportunities and justice out of society are a different matter. It's good to see the wider public starting to wake up to what happened and how low that average has been driven and demand that something be done about it.