Friday, February 22, 2008

Definitely, Maybe - They Rarely Make Them Like This Anymore

I meant to see this a week ago when it came out, but a trip on short notice to spend our mutual birthday with my grandmother intervened. That weekend was a good one, and this movie is good too and well worth the wait. It is smart, funny and sweet with just enough reality in it to work very well. A thank you to everyone who helped make it, you did well. It was also refreshing to have a movie where the trailer set the stage nicely and had me looking forward to this without actually giving the game away before it started.

I know it's early in the year to be talking about awards, especially with the Oscars for last year being handed out this coming weekend, but this one is worthy, starting with the screenplay and moving on from there. I'll have to see it another time or two to be certain, but so far I'm thinking this one will make the desert island list for me. If you like movies like this, it's highly recommended. If well done romantic comedies are not your thing, there are plenty of other movies out there.